How do you know you’re ready for ‘I Do?’
Marriage is a huge step in a relationship. If you’re at the point in yours where you’re considering tying the knot, you might be wondering if you’re truly ready. After all, marriage is a lifelong bond. Taking that next step might seem a little frightening. So, how do you know you’re really ready to get hitched? Here are the eight major signs that you’re ready to say “I Do.”
- Your Communication Skills Are Top Notch
Communication is perhaps the most important element of making a long-term relationship work. When you have trust and openness with your partner, you can talk about anything with them. When you can talk openly and honestly in your relationship, you’ll avoid many problems and be able to clear up your disagreements much more easily, as well as be able to understand your partner’s perspective.
- You Accept Each Other For Who You Are
This might seem like a simple one, but not every couple can check this one off the list. Some people might like their partner, but think of them as more of a “fixer upper.” Or they might think that marriage will change them, and all the problems in their relationship will go away once they exchange vows. But this kind of wishful thinking is merely fantasy. Marriage does not magically change a person. Before you say “I do,” make sure you love your partner for who they already are, flaws and all.
- You’re On The Same Page About The Future
Marriage is about spending the rest of your life together, so you need to make sure you and your partner have similar plans for the future. This can be everything from whether or not the two of you want children, to where you ultimately want to live, to how you like to save and spend your money. Whatever your plans for the future are, you’ll want to be sure you and your partner are on the same page.
- They Lift You Up
A healthy relationship should make you feel like the best version of yourself. Being with someone who believes in you and cheers you on (in all aspects of your life) can drastically improve your life. If your partner supports you and makes you feel like a winner, you’ll have a much happier life together.
- You Know You’re Ready To Stop Playing The Field
If you’re thinking of getting married, you’re also thinking about the end of your dating life as you once knew it. Since marriage is a lifelong commitment, you need be confident that you’re done with dating other people before you make or accept a proposal.
- You Want A Marriage, Not Just A Wedding
Are you excited about the thought of spending the rest of your life with your partner, or just excited about the wedding day festivities? A wedding should be merely the side effect of having found your partner, not the main thing you want. Make sure it’s your partner you’re excited about and not just the idea of an extravagant party.
- Your Family And Friends Approve
Marriage is not just a merging of two people. There’s a common saying that when you marry someone, you also marry their family. Before you say “yes” to marriage, make sure your trusted friends and family approve of your partner.
- You Can’t Imagine Your Life Without Them
The last, and most telling, sign of whether you are ready to say “I Do” is if you can’t imagine your life with out your partner. If, when you think of your future, you simply can’t imagine a life without your partner in it, you might be ready to finally tie the knot. If you can’t see a future without them, it’s probably time to ask them if they feel the same way.
Once you know you’re ready to pop the question, there are only two things left to do: plan the proposal and get the perfect ring!
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